Pre-order and Shipping FAQ

5 months before delivery

Pre-orders LOCK

Place your order for Project Ironside before the deadline - make sure to include all the accessories you want! Once Pre-orders are locked, we send your order to the factory.

3-4 months before delivery

Tables are crafted

Project Ironside takes about 1-2 months to produce.

Once all tables for the wave have been produced, they embark on a heroic journey across the ocean.

1 month before delivery

Tables arrive at port

4-8 weeks after production, your order completes its ocean adventure, arriving in your home country.

They are then transported to your local warehouse.

Delivery time!

Tables are delivered!

About 2-4 weeks after arriving at local warehouses, tables will be shipped to your doorstep!

You'll receive a tracking number before it arrives.

Pre-order Wave Status

Wave 12:

CURRENT STATUS: Taking pre-orders

  • Pre-orders close: July 31
  • Manufacturing: August 1 - September 20
  • Shipping to US: September 20 - November 20
  • Delivery to customers: November 20 - December 30

Wave 11:

CURRENT STATUS: Manufacturing

  • Pre-orders close: May 31
  • Manufacturing: June 1 - July 20
  • Shipping to US: July 20 - September 20
  • Delivery to customers: September 20 - September 30

Wave 10:


  • Pre-orders close: March 31
  • Manufacturing: April 1 - May 20
  • Shipping to US: May 20 - July 20
  • Delivery to customers: September 20 - October 14 (delayed due to lack of ocean vessel space)

Wave 9:


  • Pre-orders close: January 31
  • Manufacturing: February 1 - March 20
  • Shipping to US: March 20 - May 20
  • Delivery to customers: May 20 - September 30 (delayed, but now on ocean)

Wave 8:


  • Pre-orders close: November 30
  • Manufacturing: December 1 - January 20
  • Shipping to US: January 20 - March 20
  • Delivery to customers: March 20 - June 30 (delayed due to Kickstarter wave taking longer than expected to fulfill)

Wave 1-7 (Kickstarter Waves):

CURRENT STATUS: Mostly complete

  • Estimated completion of all Kickstarter waves: June 2024